遇见是两个人的事,离开却是一个人的决定 英文(The Joys of Encounter and the Solitude of Departure)

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最佳答案The Joys of Encounter and the Solitude of Departure Encounters are the stuff of life. They can be cherished moments of warmth and understanding, or felicitous h...

The Joys of Encounter and the Solitude of Departure

Encounters are the stuff of life. They can be cherished moments of warmth and understanding, or felicitous happenings of surprise and alacrity. They can spawn love, create friendship, or bring home deep truths and elusive perspectives. Whatever the nature of the encounter, it always involves at least two people, and it often leaves both, or all, feeling richer, deeper, or simply happier. It is the kind of experience that we all long for, and that we cherish whenever it happens.

But encounters also end. And when they do, the warmth or the surprise, the understanding or the perspective, all vanish, leaving behind a void, an emptiness, or a sense of loss. The moment of encounter becomes a memory, and the person or the people who made it so memorable fade into the background of our lives. We may still remember their faces, their voices, or their smiles, but we cannot recapture the encounter as it was, and we cannot rekindle the magic that had made it so special. Instead, we are left with our own reactions to that encounter, and with the knowledge that it is now up to us to keep it alive, or to let it die a natural death.

Departures, on the other hand, are the stuff of solitude. They are moments when we are alone, making decisions that will affect our lives, our future, or our sense of self. They involve leaving behind people or places that we have known, and venturing into the unknown, the uncertain, or the scary. Unlike encounters, departures are always solitary, since they reflect our own choices, our own desires, or our own necessities. We may consult with others, seek their advice or support, but in the end, it is only us who decide to depart, to leave, or to move on. And once the decision is made, the solitude sets in, and we find ourselves facing the path ahead, alone.

The irony of encounters and departures is that they often come in pairs. We may encounter a person only to depart from them soon thereafter. We may depart from a place only to encounter a new person, or a new place. We may even encounter someone who will make our departure easier, or we may depart only to encounter someone who will make us realize what we have left behind. The cycle of meetings and partings is never-ending, and it is the very essence of life. For through such cycles, we learn about ourselves, about others, and about the world. We learn to cherish moments of warmth and understanding, and to face moments of solitude and uncertainty. And we learn that encounter and departure are two sides of the same coin, the coin of life.