最佳答案百年国殇 历经百年,岁月如梭,那段黑暗的历史依旧忍不住在我们的思维中挥之不去,那场国殇更是一笔不可磨灭的记忆。今天,我们将共同走进那段历史,感受那些流淌在时光中的泪水和痛...
As recorded in the history books of China's five-thousand-year history, we see an unsightly picture. War rages on, lives are destroyed, debris is everywhere, and blood is shed...the cries of justice and the beastly roars echo each other, and the small space continuously expands with the blood and tears of sacrifice. The prosperity and thriving of the country have come at the cost of how many martyrs' blood and lives, only to forge the endless glory of this land.
Huáxià wǔqiān nián lìshǐ - 华夏五千年历史 - China's five-thousand-year history Zhàn huǒ fēi, shēnglíng túcǎn, biàn dì cánhái, xiānxiě línlí - 战火纷飞,生灵涂炭,遍地残骸,鲜血淋漓 - War rages on, lives are destroyed, debris is everywhere, and blood is shed Zhèngyì de nà hǎn yǎn yǔ yěmán de páohòu jiāoxiāng hūxiǎng - 正义的呐喊与野蛮的咆哮交相呼应 - The cries of justice and the beastly roars echo each other Guójiā de fánróng chāngshèng shì yǐ duō shǎo lièshì de xiān xiě shēngmìng zuòwéi dàjià, cái zhùjìle zhè piàn tǔdì de wújìn huīguāng - 国家的繁荣昌盛是以多少烈士的鲜血和生命作为代价,才铸就了这片土地的无尽辉煌 - The prosperity and thriving of the country have come at the cost of how many martyrs' blood and lives, only to forge the endless glory of this land.